Zertifiziertes Mitglied der Schweizerischen
Gesellschaft für Qigong und Taijiquan


Liebe Bettina, ich bin begeistert von deinen Qigong Stunden. Die langsamen Übungen tun mir so gut und ich habe gelernt richtig zu atmen. “Herzliche Grüsse Vreni” 🤗 Oberarth

Qigong movement

Before starting your practice always allow yourself to feel a little smile in your mouth – spreading to your whole body.
Awareness to the movement and feel them – be curious…

Spinal Bone Marrow

Body position stands with feet shoulder-width apart – feeling your whole foot. Arms are held in an oval shape like hugging a tree in front of you or a little lower in a comfortable position. Relax your shoulders and elbows. Tuck in the chin. Feeling your spin very long. Gently close your eyes. Relax into the posture, ready to open and receive inwardly. Hands are shaped as if holding a small energy ball, fingertips pointing to each other, just a few cms apart.

Start the movement by turning to one side very gently. Do the turning 5/ 9 time to each side. Have your awareness to your back – feel the movement. Natural breathing – inhale turn to one side – exhale coming halfway back.

This movement helps us to restore our natural ability to articulate each vertebra more freely as our spine opens. Our spine can lose its innate flexibility through habitually contracted postures, prolonged sitting, general disuse, injuries, and emotional trauma – all of which diminish our vitality. The rotational movements stimulate nerve signaling and improve circulation and immune function. They also pull upon our entire network of connective tissue, which helps to release emotional memories stored in our whole body.

Gathering Qi from the Universe

This movement consists of a single, repeated movement, which normally is done standing up – but can also be done sitting in a chair.

Body position stands with feet shoulder-width apart – feeling your whole foot.

First, open your palms. The center of your palm is called the laogong. Your hands are going out to the side – lift up your hands and arms to up over your head – and then bring your hands back down in front of you – to your dantian just below your navel.

Have your awareness of your laogong (palms) and feel the movement. When you are open your palms you are receiving qi. Qi goes into your palms through your laogong. Even as the hands go down, qi continues going into your laogong. The qi goes through your arms, through your torso, and goes into your dantian. Do the movement as many times you can – less is more. Over time do the movement more, more the better.

The Gathering Qi practice is to receive energy, receive qi from the universe. More nutrition, more energy, more essence from the universe into your body. Trust love, trust qi. You allow yourself to quiet your mind, heart, and body – like finding home to yourself. Open your body so qi can come to you anywhere, the Qi will help you heal your body. Your mind will become more clear, you have more energy, and your emotions/stress will feel more balanced when you are with nature, with the universe. Letting go of worry and filling yourself up with love. Unconditional love is the very strongest power, this is the essence. You will become healthier and happier.
Inner smile meditation

Find a comfortable sitting position or laying down. We begin by bringing our mind home to our body, allowing it to settle as we relax.
From this place of quietude, we are feeling our lips with the softest expression of a smile, inviting our whole body to tune to this feeling of inner silence, joy, and love.

We allow our consciousness to respond to the simplicity and power of this meditative act. We are feeling our inner smile, and then we let our body’s intelligence guide us into new states of wholeness.

The Inner smile’s purpose is to bring happiness, gratefulness to internal harmony and balance in our mind, heart, and whole body.

Zertifiziertes Mitglied der Schweizerischen
Gesellschaft für Qigong und Taijiquan

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