Zertifiziertes Mitglied der Schweizerischen
Gesellschaft für Qigong und Taijiquan


Qigong for me is connecting to my soul and getting out of my head and connecting with my body. 
I feel grounded and have more energy.
Bettina is an amazing teacher and she has a beautiful way of connecting people and opening up a safe space for people to open up and connect to themselves again 🥰 “Michelle”

Bettinna B. Bennett is a passionate advocate of holistic wellness and the founder of Beqi.ch. With a diverse background in dance, yoga, martial arts, and meditation, she has dedicated herself to helping others discover the transformative power of Qigong.

Bettinna’s journey in movement and self-awareness began at a young age when she started dancing at just 2½ years old. Over the course of 49 years, she immersed herself in various dance forms such as jazz ballet, disco, ballet, and ballroom dancing, particularly excelling in Standard and Latin styles. Her talent and dedication led her to represent Denmark as part of the National Team, earning an impressive rank of no. 4 on the International Ranking List for dancers under the age of 21. She also became a Danish champion in Standard dance and achieved silver and bronze medals in both Latin and Standard categories. For Bettina, dancing is not only an art form but a way to cultivate awareness, focus, joy, and happiness.

At the age of 15, Bettinna discovered the practice of meditation, which soon became an essential tool in her daily life. This practice allowed her to navigate the demands of her previous career as a graphic designer in the publishing industry, characterized by tight deadlines and long working hours. As a dedicated mother of three children, she realized the need for a change in mindset and sought a more harmonious path.

The turning point in Bettinna’s journey came when she encountered the profound benefits of Qigong—a practice that combines her extensive experiences in dance, meditation, yoga, and martial arts. As a Certified Qigong Instructor since 2017, Bettina is committed to sharing the knowledge of Qigong with others and guiding them towards a more balanced and fulfilling life. She firmly believes that the gentle, deliberate movements of Qigong possess the potential to profoundly impact one’s physical and emotional well-being.

Bettinna is driven by her love for the joy-filled wisdom encompassing the mind, heart, and body in the practice of Qigong. Through her teaching and dedication, she aims to empower individuals to tap into their innate healing abilities and experience the transformative power of this ancient practice

Mit ihrem fundierten Fachwissen und ihrer mitfühlenden Art ist Bettina Bennett Borgen eine Inspiration in der Welt des ganzheitlichen Wohlbefindens. Sie inspiriert andere, den Weg des Qigong zu beschreiten und sich auf eine Reise der Selbstentdeckung, des inneren Friedens und der lebendigen Gesundheit zu begeben.

Mit Liebe,

Über mich...

2022 April – May
The Inner Alchemy of Tai Chi By Master Mantak Chia.

2021 September-October
The Five Animal Frolics with Lee Holden

2021 May
The Diamond Inlay by Donna Eden Method

2021 January
Alchemy Qigong training with Master Mantak Chia

Alchemy Qigong Series By Master Mantak Chia
Qigong Instructor Level 1 & 2.
  • Inner Alchemy Basics & Sexual Alchemy, 
  • Craniosacral Qigong & Wisdom Qigong,
  • Stem Cell Qigong  & 5 Element Qigong,
  • Tan Tien Qigong & Cosmic Healing Qigong/Buddha Palm (Part 1 & 2),
  • Tao Yin Qigong & Cosmic Healing Qigong//Buddha Palm (Part 3 & 4),
  • Golden Elixir Qigong (Five Finger Kung Fu).
  • Click here to see more about Mantak Chia

The Essentials of Energy Medicine Course by Donna Eden

OPPE-Guide Education – By psychologist Mette Holm

Online Qigong training by Sheng Zhen Meditations Master Li Junfeng

August 2019
Sheng Zhen Meditations Qigong workshop with Master Li Junfeng & Li Jing

Superbrain with Jim Kwik (Mindvalley certificate program)

Qigong Health Practitioner Certification Course by Master Mingtong Gu

Robert Peng Qigong Certificate of training Yi Jin Jing, Body/mind transformation

Certified Qigong Instructor By Qigong Master Fraling

Meditation Course By Anne Lund Nardi

Graphic Designer Freelance

Educated Fashion Designer Copenhagen Fashion and Design school

Apprenticeship as Graphic Designer

Former Ballroom Dancer (Standard and Latin):

  • Danish champion standard dance 1985, 1986, 1988
  • Silver and bronze medals Latin and standard
  • Danish National Team – Standard Dancer
  • Auf der internationalen Rangliste auf Platz 4 - unter 21 Jahren


Qigong - Meditation (erstmals 1988) - Prana Yoga (seit 1996) - Karate - Tai Chi Yang Stil - Golf - Wandern - Skifahren - Tanzen (seit 1973) - Nähen/Designen von Stoffen. - Singen im Kirchenchor Walchwil - Mitglied im Vorstand der Frauengemeinschaft Walchwil

Beqi qigong dance flow Bettina Borgen

Zertifiziertes Mitglied der Schweizerischen
Gesellschaft für Qigong und Taijiquan

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