Graphic design

Bring the flow of

creative design to your presentation, flyer,

magazine, brochure, etc.

Graphic designer Bettina B. Bennett

Im Januar 1993 schloss Bettina ihre Ausbildung zur Grafikdesignerin in einer Werbeagentur mit eigener Druckerei ab. Nach vielen Jahren in der Verlagsbranche gründete sie 2002 ihr eigenes Unternehmen Beqi graphic design (Ambo Grafik).

She works internationally as a freelance graphic designer. Her work ranges from concept and design to finished print layout. She works on basic projects and has been integrated into larger teams. She has worked directly with editors of various publications. She has been part of marketing plans for large companies in Denmark for many years and has a lot of experience with deadlines.

From simple flyers to newspaper advertisements, sales letters, staff magazines, catalogues, PowerPoint presentations and much more, she has experience in all areas of design.

Adjust images and make sure they are ready to print. Providing input on photo composition by attending actual photo shoots.

Adobe Creative Suite

  • InDesign
  • Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Microsoft Office Word
  • Powerpoint.
  • Website design in Squarespace & elementor

She is passionate about the development of creative layouts that can have an impact on people’s lives.

Has she got your attention?

She would be delighted to hear from you in a message!

Alles Gute

Bettina B. Bennett


● Danishliving
● Frauen Gemeinschaft Walchwil, social media & homepage
● Odlo Schweiz
● Beqi Qigong
● amboambo
● Selfie Golf Europe
● 4sportsworld
● Johannes Fog A/S
● Tulip (tulipltd by Katie Schwarck)
● C-konserative i hørsholm
● AMBO Trade
● AMBOSepticvac PumpOut Service System
● Laxholm Dance Academy
● CST Copenhagen Sensor Technology ApS
● PMI International A/S – Provida
● Rungsted Havn
● Intento
● Shipshape
● 2 creative
● Slagter Karl Johan
● UK sailmakers
● CR el og teknik
● Lægerne louise og christian
● UU-sjælsø
● Factum
● Sanders Ejendomme

C.V. Bettinna B. Bennett
Berufliche Erfahrung
  • 2002-20..  Freelance Graphic Designer/layouter Ambo Trade GmbH
  • 2017-20..  Qigong teaching classes /
  • 2000-2002 Graphic Designer, Dansk Auto Media publisher (Aller International A/S)
  • 1999-2000 Graphic Designer, Mondial Advertising
  • 1995-1998 Graphic Designer, Visholm Media publisher (Visholm Group)

  • 2016-2017 Educated/Certified Qigong Instructor – By Master Fraling
  • 1993-1995 Educated Fashion Designer at Copenhagen Fashion and Design school
  • 1988-1993 Educated/Apprenticeship as Graphic Designer
  • 1987-1988 Business school (efg Business and Office)

Zertifizierungskurse und Kurse
  • 2021-2021 John Lee Social Media and Business Virtual Bootcamp
  • 2021-2021 Five Animal Frolics Qi Gong form by Lee Holden
  • 2020-2021 Alchemy Qigong Series By Master Mantak Chia Qigong Instructor Level 1 & 2
  • 2020-2020 The Essentials of Energy Medicine Course by Donna Eden
  • 2019-2020 OPPE-Guide education – By Psychologist Mette Holm
  • 2018-2019 Superbrain with Jim Kwik (Mindvalley Certification Course)
  • 2018-2018 Health Practitioner Certification Course by Master Mingtong Gu
  • 2017-2018 Robert Peng Qigong Certificate of traning Yi Jin Jing, Body/mind transformation
  • 2010-2010 Feng Shui Bagua course – By Ranvita La Cour
  • 1990-1991 Courses in marketing, Niels Brock business school Language

Sprache - Sport - Hobbys
  • Sprachkenntnisse: Dänisch (Muttersprache), Englisch ( fliessend), Deutsch (Niveau B1)
  • Tanzen (seit 1973) - Qigong Tanz flow (seit 2017) - Meditation (seit 1988) - Prana Yoga (seit 1996)
    Karate – Tai Chi Yang Style – Golf – Hiking – skiing – Sewing / designing cloth. – Singing in Walchwil church choir – Member of the Board of the Women’s Community Walchwil
  • Internationaler Turniertänzer - Dänische Nationalmannschaft Standardtänzer
    Auf der internationalen Rangliste auf Platz 4 - unter 21 Jahren
    Design und Nähen von Ballkleidern für Turniere
  • Vorstandsmitglied der Frauengemeinschaft Walchwil

Beqi Graphic design


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